Scotty Hollow
Condominium Trust
Rules & Regulations
Here you will find the complete list of condo rules and regulations.
Camera doorbells can replace existing doorbells at the front and rear doors. Types allowed are Ring, Arlo, nest or similar in size and shape. Other exterior cameras/lights are not allowed on the exterior of the building.
Changes affecting the appearance of the exterior of any building, such as skylights, chimneys, decorations, awnings, signs, sun shades, air conditioning equipment, antennas (in common areas), fans, screens and enclosures, are not permitted or other changes shall be made only with the consent of the Trustees of the Condominium Trust (the "Trustees"). Holiday decorations shall be removed within two weeks following the holiday. Fasteners that deface or scar the exterior of the buildings are prohibited. Window air conditioners are not permitted. Decorative patio lights, window chimes, plaques, decorative flags (excluding the American Flag) are not allowed.
All owners, guests, tenants and occupants shall reduce noise levels between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 9:00 A.M. so that neighbors are not disturbed. At no time are musical instruments, radios, stereos, electronic devices or televisions to be so loud as to create a nuisance.
No lawn furniture, bicycles, tents, toys or other personal property or equipment shall be kept or left in or on the Common Areas and Facilities, items in public view under decks and patios except for appropriate seasonal furniture which shall be maintained and located in such fashion as to meet safety and aesthetic standards established by the Trustees from time to time.
No clothing, linens towels, carpets or other articles shall be hung or otherwise left or placed in or on the Common Areas and Facilities, nor shall any such articles be placed in a Unit so as to be exposed to public view.
Window dressings, shades and blinds shall be properly maintained. Nothing other than traditional window dressings permitted. (ie, no flags, sheets, blankets, etc.)
Improvements to and landscaping of the Common Areas and Facilities shall be done or authorized only by the Trust
There shall be no use of the Common Areas and Facilities which defaces, injures or scars them, increases the maintenance thereof, or embarrasses, disturbs or annoys any Unit Owner or occupant. No person may play in/on bushes or climb trees. No ball playing on the common grounds, except at the Basketball court at the Clubhouse area. Yard sales, garage sales or similar activities are not permitted. All vehicles including the delivery of goods and repairs as well as a Mover’s trucks may not park on grass.
No dogs, cats or other animals may be kept in any Unit without the prior written consent of the Trustees. Pet registration applications may be obtained from Scotty Hollow Condominium Trust Website.
Only ONE dog permitted per unit and/or two cats. Cats may be outdoors but only with a restraining leash accompanied by the pet owner. If a cat is outside without a leash, this will be considered grounds for a fine and possible removal. All pet defecation must be picked up immediately. No pet shall urinate on the front lawn area. No pet shall be left unattended or tied up in the Common Areas, to front railings or any other area on Scotty Hollow property. All pets must be on a leash at all times when outside the unit, violation of the above rules are all grounds for fines and possible removal. If any pet creates offensive noise, or in any way creates a disturbance to other residents, the Trustees may revoke their consent and require that the pet be removed from the Condominium. The owner of the pet shall have the right to address the board, before the board revokes consent, except in incidence where damage or harm had occurred, in which case the owner will immediately comply with such request. Each owner shall hold the Trustees and each of the other Unit owners and their respective agents and employees harmless against loss, liability, damage or expense resulting from any actions of this or their pet(s) within the Condominium.
Snow removal requires vehicles to be moved to aid the snow removal contractors in their job. Residents who will be away during snow times must arrange to have a neighbor move their vehicle(s) at the appropriate times or please park your vehicle(s) in the overflow parking area for snow removal procedures to be performed. Temporary snowstorm parking is allowed only during a snow fall event and not at any other time. Vehicles must be removed from temporary parking areas once plowing has been completed.
All trash and recycling bins shall be placed outdoors either the night before (after 8:00 P.M.) or the morning of the designated trash collection day. Trash containers of any type may not be stored outside the Units at any time, the bins must be brought in by 10:00AM the day after trash pickup.
No Unit Owner, tenant or guest shall interfere with the rights of other Unit Owners and tenants to use the parking spaces in their intended manner. Repairing or servicing of vehicles within the parking areas is prohibited. No overnight parking (midnight to 6:00 A.M.) is permitted on the front side of the Buildings. No commercial vehicles will be allowed to be parked adjacent to or within the permitted parking spaces of condominium units or in the cul-de-sac in front of the C-circle area, other than vendors' vehicles that are actively servicing a unit. Moving Pods must be pre-approved prior to arrival on the property. Homes with garages are permitted three vehicles, 2 outdoors and one in the garage. Otherwise, all other homeowners are permitted 2 vehicles, to be parked behind their homes. No household may have more than three vehicles without prior Board Approval.
-- AUXILARY PARKING. Additional parking is available for Clubhouse rentals at the pump-house parking lot or lower Clubhouse parking lot.
Unit owner may be charged with any direct or contributing damage to any Trust or Unit Owner property.
Owners are responsible for all of their tenants’ activities, which include fines and violations.
No unregistered or uninspected motor vehicles, and no motor vehicle which is inoperable due to collision damage, shall be kept or stored on-premises. All vehicles must be properly registered and insured. No unmuffled or inadequately muffled vehicles will be operated within the confines of the Condominium. No commercially lettered vehicles, oversized vans/trucks or vehicles with equipment attached shall be permitted to be parked within the confines of the community. No truck, tractors or another commercial vehicle in excess of 7,500 pounds gross vehicle weight shall be kept, stored or parked within the confines of Scotty Hollow Condominiums. No boats, utility trailers, boat trailers, camping trailers, motor homes or other similar type vehicles, are allowed. This prohibition includes the overnight storage of such vehicles or equipment.
No Unit Owner or occupant may use or maintain his or her Unit or the Common Areas and Facilities for any purpose or in any manner which is contrary to any applicable law, rule, regulation or requirement of any governmental authority or for any purpose which would constitute a nuisance or be visibly offensive.
Firewood may be stored in the buildings in a neatly stacked manner in a dry environment. The Unit Owner must inspect the wood regularly to determine if the wood is free of insects. If a health or safety hazard exists, the Trustees have the right to order the Unit Owner to remove the wood from the Unit immediately and the Unit Owner shall pay all costs of pest extermination. Firewood may be kept in the Common Areas immediately adjacent to the units in a neat stack and in an aesthetically pleasing manner and in no event on the sod.
Any Unit Owner who leases his or her Unit shall provide a copy of the signed lease agreement to the Condominium Trustees. Each lease agreement shall provide that the tenant's failure to comply with the provisions of the Master Deed, Declaration of Trust, or Rules and Regulations of the Condominium shall constitute a breach of the lease agreement. Each Unit Owner shall also provide a copy of the aforesaid documents to his or her tenants. Each Unit Owner shall be responsible for the payment of any fines or fees assessed by the Condominium Trustees for violations committed by his or her tenants.
Complaints of violations of these Rules and Regulations should be made in writing to the Trustees in care of the management company, if one exists. If the Trustees determine the complaint is justified, they shall take whatever action they deem necessary and shall notify the complainant in writing of such action, if any.
The Trustees shall give written notice to any Unit Owner who violates the provisions of the Master Deed, Declaration of Trust, or Rules and Regulations. In the case of a tenant, such notice shall be sent to the tenant, with a copy thereof to the Unit Owner. If such violation continues seventy hours after receipt of such notice, the Trustees may assess a fine of $25.00 a day, on day ten, if not paid, violator will be asked to come to the next Board meeting to discuss issue.
All common area fees shall be due and payable on the first day of each month. A late fee shall be assessed for any payment not received by the tenth day of the month. The late fee shall be $10.00 for the first late payment, and $20.00 for each subsequent late payment. No warnings will be issued prior to imposition of late fees.
All fines and late fees shall be collected by the Condominium Trustees in the same manner as unpaid common area fees, and shall constitute a lien on the Unit of the Owner assessed until paid.
The Trustees may amend these Rules and Regulations at any time, provided that written notice thereof is sent to each Unit Owner setting forth in full any such amendment.
The Trustees shall have the authority and duty to enforce these Rules and Regulations, but, in their discretion, may delegate such enforcement authority and duties under these Rules and Regulations to whomever they deem desirable.
1) GRILLS: The State Fire Marshall has issued the following advisory: "LP-gas grills are not permitted inside or on balconies above the first floor of any building where people live."
"LP-gas is heavier than air and sinks. A leaky grill could pose a hazard to people below. Possible ignition sources include smoking materials, air conditioners, compressors, pilot lights and cars."
2) SPEED: Vehicles must be operated in our complex in a slow, safe manner at all times. Please help all of us to keep each other safe.
3) PETS: The Board of Trustees from time to time may call for a moratorium on addition of pets to the Scotty Hollow Community. The applications will still be reviewed. A determination on accepting pets will be considered from time to time.
4) SATELLITE DISH: Satellite dishes may be installed on limited common areas (i.e. your deck floor, patio, if applicable). Any other exterior installation location for the satellite dish is not permitted at Scotty Hollow Condominium.
5) PONDS AND WILDLIFE: Do not disturb the wildlife around the ponds and around the property. Do not throw rocks into the ponds or at the wildlife Fishing/Wading is not allowed at the ponds.