Scotty Hollow
Condominium Trust
Helpful Hints
Property Management of Andover is available to answer questions regarding the Association Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is also an after-hours answering service to collect all messages and forward emergency calls. Please feel free to leave a message as well as a day and evening telephone number where you may be reached if a return call is desired. Our telephone number is 978-683-4101.
Condo Fees/Bills
All condominium fees are due by the first of the month. Bills are not mailed. Please remember to pay your condominium fee in a timely fashion to avoid late charges. All payments should be made to Scotty Hollow Condominium Trust (not Property Management of Andover) and your unit number should be written on the check to ensure quicker processing of your payment.
Electronic drafting of your condominium fee is available. If you are interested, please contact the management office or click this link to download the form.
In order to ensure proper mail delivery to your home, residents must use their unit number on Scotty Hollow Drive. Also, your mailbox lock is your responsibility. Management does not retain copies of any mailbox keys. If you lose your key you must contact a locksmith of your choice to replace the lock - at your own expense.
Out of State Plates:
Please visit the following link:
Renting Unit:
If you are renting your unit out, please inform Property Management of Andover of the renter's name and telephone number, copy of the lease, emergency contact information, vehicle registration & signed copy of rules and regulations.
Leases must be for a minimum of 12 months.
Homeowners are responsible for all actions of their tenants and any fines imposed against the home as a result of said actions.
Exterior Decorations:
The rules and regulations explicitly ban all exterior decorations (bird feeders, thermometers, windsocks, etc.) to the common areas decks & patios. The only exception to this rule is that residents may attach one hanging plant to the underside of their deck (or overhang). Otherwise, plants may only be displayed by sitting on the deck or deck railing. Rugs, linens, clothing, etc. are not permitted to be hung or draped from deck rails or patio area.
No dog (only one dog permitted per unit), cats or other animals may be brought to reside at Scotty Hollow without the prior written approval of the Board of Trustees. Birdfeeders on decks, in trees or common areas are not allowed as they attract rodents and bears(which we have seen living nearby).
Vehicle Repair:
Repairing or servicing of vehicles within the parking areas is strictly prohibited.
Trash Pickup:
Trash pick-up is on Mondays and Recycle is Biweekly. If a holiday falls on a Monday, trash pick-up will be on Tuesday. If you use barrels for your trash, they must be stored indoors both before and after pick-up. Trash should be placed at the end of your parking space (behind your vehicle) in the rear of your home. You must contact the Town of Chelmsford directly for a recycling bin or recycling sticker to put on your own container and for pick-up arrangements for large items as trash removal is a town service. You should also contact the town directly for a copy of the recycling schedule. Their telephone number is 978-250-5203.
Tennis Court Use:
The tennis courts are for tennis playing only. No unattended children, roller skating, rollerblading, bicycling or skateboarding or loose dogs are allowed in the tennis court area.
Bikes and Toys:
Do not leave toys or bicycles on the grass or roads. Keep these items in your home or in your garage when not in use.
You will receive emails or letters regularly from the Association which will contain current information on activities here at Scotty Hollow Condominiums.
Please remember to move your vehicle when the snowplows are on site clearing the roads. Snowplows will not attempt to plow the snow if your vehicle is obstructing the area.
Overnight Parking:
Overnight parking is never permitted in front of your home. Any vehicles over the limit of two (three if you have a garage) must be parked in the lot adjacent to the pump station or overflow parking areas.
Homeowner Responsibilities :
Homeowners are responsible for their personal home plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, appliances, windows, etc. The management and Board of Trustees are responsible for the common areas only.
Insurance Carrier:
The insurance carrier for Scotty Hollow Condominiums is Greater New York Insurance Corp. The insurance agent is Hub Insurance Agency of Wilmington, MA. If your mortgage holder is requesting proof of insurance or a certificate of insurance, you must contact Hub Insurance Agency directly. Their telephone number is 978-657-5100. Please keep in mind that you must maintain your own insurance policy (referred to as an H06 policy) on your condominium. Your policy should protect your personal property, liability and the deductible portion of Scotty Hollow's policy of $10,000.00, and the dollar value of all improvements made to your home.
Trustees Meetings:
The Board of Trustees' meeting is generally held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM with the exception of July and December. Home owners are welcome to attend at 7:30 PM in the clubhouse.
Swimming Pool:
The swimming pool rules can be found here. Pool passes are mailed to all Scotty Hollow residents prior to the opening of the pool (generally Memorial Day weekend).
Club House:
The clubhouse function room is available for rental to residents of Scotty Hollow Condominiums. Rental procedures and rules can be found here.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to call us at your convenience.