Scotty Hollow
Condominium Trust
Contractors & Suppliers
DISCLAIMER: Below are contractors who have performed services for Scotty Hollow Condominium Trust or were referred to us by individual homeowners who have utilized them.
Scotty Hollow Condominium Trust does not guarantee their workmanship.

A/C & Heat (original installers):
Lamco: 978-649-3868
Air Condition Maintence:
Jay Tur at Vently Air
Appliance Recyclers:
Carpentry, Skylight & Patio Doors Replacements:
John Gass: 603-557-3065
Allan MacLeod: 617-901-4761
Chris Brown: 339-277-9077
Chimney Repair/Inspection:
Tewksbury Chimney Sweep
Steve: 978-851-2477
Lyle Carter
Electrician/Smoke Detector Repairs/Replacements:
Crowe Electric:
HUB Insurance:
Contact: John Piazza phone is 978-657-5100
Duct Cleaning Company:
Resident Review:
Just finally found the duct cleaning company that I used in the past. I'll tell you that when the guy showed me the vacuum bag before the job and then showed it to me at the end I was impressed. Be sure to ask for the spray in the duct, it kills bacteria and viruses.
Hope it helps
Garage Door Replacements:
Pelham Building Supply:
Chelmsford Garage Door 115 Elm St, Chelmsford MA 978-256-7039
Interior Painting:
David Miller: 603-219-6916
Mailbox Lock Replacement/Locksmith:
Contact your local post office some branches are offering lock replacement to owner.
Oden Barter Interior Auto Detail Service.
Vacuum, shampoo, and interior clean.
The price depends upon the size of the vehicle and condition of the vehicle.
Call 978-726-2189
Vently Air:
Air duct and dryer vent cleaners:
Stanley Steamer
Contact number: 800-783-3637
Nashoba Air & Boiler Works
For heating and air conditioning
Littleton Ma
Nashoba Heating and Cooling
Westford Ma.
Personal and business computer repair.
Home Network setup and repair.
Build custom computers for personal, business, and gaming.
Contact Mark Barter at 781-367-3970
Windows, Doors, Decks, and Patio Doors:
Wilmington Window and Door
(978) 658-9825